Article: Macro Photography with Minox : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

How to use MINOX binocular adapter for Macro Photography

-- martin tai (, June 01, 1999


Response to Macro Photography with Minox

-- martin tai (, June 01, 1999.

Martin, in the article about docu copy with EC, you mentioned only about PROXAR but not short focal length lens such as a loupe or camera lens. My question is, Can I attach a 35mm camera lens to EC and do macro ?

-- Peter Resnick (, June 03, 1999.

Peter, EC is not focused at infinity, that makes using short focal length lens difficult, althought the position of lens can be calculated, but the it is still not easy to determine the position of camera lens used as macro attachment lens for EC, because these lenses are very thick, and manufacturers do not publish the position of nodal points data.

-- martin tai (, June 04, 1999.

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