I Dream of Pamie

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Okay.... Last night I had a dream about Pamie. I was in Texas, and for some reason we were staying in the same hotel. As I was walking out of my room, I saw her going into this amazingly huge cabin type thing with a screen door. I yelled, "Hey, Pamie!" and she looked through the screen door at me and we had a little chat. Now tell me that I'm not insane or stalker-ish cause that's how I'm feeling. I mean, I have never even seen a picture of her! Has anybody else had a dream about her??? Please tell me I'm not the only one!

-- Anonymous, June 02, 1999


Sorry Laura - I think you're the only one who dreams of Pamie. Da da da da da da da Boom!

-- Anonymous, June 03, 1999

Well, Laura, I already told Pamie about the dream I had about her, but I'll tell it again if it'll make you feel better.

It was right before Pamie was going to go on her ski trip, so I dreamt I ran into her and Eric in the supermarket. She was flitting around in a red ski suit with just her face poking out, trying to remember everything, throwing chapstick, sunglasses, etc. onto the conveyor in the checkout line. I went over to say hello to her, and we got in a conversation. I told her I couldn't go home because the police had roped off my street due to aliens (different part of the dream which had nothing to do with Squishy). She said, "Oh, that's perfect! You can stay at my house and keep Eric company while I'm gone!" I said, "Uh, OK," thinking that he might well be less than thrilled with this prospect. Pamie kissed him and left the store for her ski trip. Eric and I spent the rest of the dream grocery shopping for our week of being roomies. He was very nice about it.

Feel better?

-- Anonymous, June 03, 1999

Lindsey, don't forget the part about Eric offering you ice cream and you didn't like the socks he was wearing and he didn't like the ice cream you picked but you both were nice to each other anyway.

that was always my favorite part.

-- Anonymous, June 03, 1999

No, I did like the ice cream, it just wasn't my favorite.

OK, here's the rest, since Pamie refreshed my memory: after Pamie left Eric and I started doing our grocery shopping. We got to the ice cream aisle, and he asked me what I thought of Breyer's vanilla. I told him I liked it OK, thinking it was just a random getting to know you question and not wanting to come down too severely for or against it, but then he put it in the cart, and I realized he'd wanted to make sure the ice cream he liked was OK with me. I thought that was really sweet of him.

Then we came to an aisle which, for some reason, had a display of socks. Eric picked out this horrible pair of black socks with silver threads in them and asked me what I thought of them. I wasn't sure whether he honestly wanted to buy them or not, and I figured I should tell the truth rather than let him wear socks like that, and besides I started laughing because I thought they were so ugly, so I said, "Um, I think they're hideous!" He held them up to the light, and then he started laughing too because he hadn't seen the silver streaks when he'd first noticed them. Then he spotted a pair of white pantyhose and asked me, "Would you ever wear these?"

That was the point at which I woke up.

-- Anonymous, June 04, 1999

I haven't dreamt of Pamie (of course, now I will, right?) but I thought this was as good a place as any to tell her:

I've had occasion to talk about you to my mom a couple of times, but I didn't tell her how I "know" you, so she must think you're some friend of mine, which is kind of funny. Like, she was talking about skiing, and this was right after your skiing fiasco, so I said to my brother, "Well, you know what happened to Pamie, right?" He's the one who pointed your page out to me, so of course he was like, "Oh, _yeah_." So my mom wanted to know, so we told her.

Then the other night, my mom said her boyfriend's daughter wants to go horseback riding on the beach when we're all in Hawaii. So of course I said, "Has she ever been horseback riding before? Because Pamie said...."

-- Anonymous, June 04, 1999

Actually, I had a dream about Pamie too...

I dreamed that she and I were working on a play together, and the play was about a Science Fiction Movie, and she was the Lucious Actress and I was the Evil Director. And we were on this little stage with big white cut outs for props that said things like "There's a tree here" and "Here is a bush with red flowers" on them. The idea was that the whole movie was going to be added in around her (CGI and all that) and I was on stage, wearing a little beret and matching knickers, carrying a megaphone and Pamie was wearing her hair in pigtails and a lime green jumpsuit.

Me: I'm a dinosaur... I'm a dinosaur

Pamie: oh eeek!

Me: No, try harder... be scared... I'm a huge dinosaur (actually I'm only a little over 5 feet tall, so I'm not very scary, even in stupid purple knickers...)


Me: I am a big ugly nasty dinosaur and I've come to eat your paycheck!


Me: Much better....

I thought it was pretty funny... but then, I've always wondered about actors in sci-fi movies that manage to react to a "character" that's going to be added in with CGI later...


-- Anonymous, June 04, 1999

I'm with Jennie all the way, no dreams, but my husband and I now play, "pamie is my new best-friend". If I had a dime for the amount of times "pamie says..." comes up in the conversation in this house (or for that matter, the number of times "what are you doing?" is answered with "reading pamie") I'd have quite a nice little nest egg socked away.

Just what you want from someone's first post, I'm sure...

-- Anonymous, June 04, 1999

Okay, I dreamt about pamie the other night.

I dreamt I was still living with my brother (he's the one who introduced me to this web site, btw) and I was throwing a party. Pamie and Eric showed up with their two friends, but instead of the friends being, like, Chuy and Cathy, it was Collin from "The Real World" and...Cathy?? Anyway, everything was going fine and we were all getting along great, and then more guests were arriving and stuff and I suddenly realized that Pamie, et al. were gone! That's when I discovered that they were holed up with my brother in his room, talking excitedly and laughing and having an even BETTER time than they'd been having with me! {sniffle}

They were probably all talking about that "Blair Witch Project" that I'm too scared to go see. :(

-- Anonymous, July 24, 1999

Anytime I have one of those dreams where you're all in danger and noone will listen to me, Pamie's always one of the people who's like,"Calm down, Jeff. It's just the wind blowing."

-- Anonymous, July 31, 1999

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