textbooks and cirriculum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Do you have any suggestions for cirriuculum for Photography 1 (Basic Black and White) through Photography 3 for a small Liberal Arts School. We only have black and White Facilities. I am looking for strong excercises and projects and a supporting textbook. It would be wonderful to include the some history as well. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We also have internet and photoshop axcess. Thank you.

-- L. Garber (garberl@beloit.edu), June 08, 1999


How about Exploring Black and White Photography by Arnold Gassen and AJ Meek. It has an emphasis which is well suited for a liberal arts college programme in photography such as yours, with interesting excercises which go beyond how to take a 'properly' exposed picture.

-- rene (renequan@bigfoot.com), June 09, 1999.

Ansel Adams' "Polaroid Land Photography" has sections by Minor White and other authors dealing not only with using Polaroid materials for teaching concepts in photography, but also for exercises in exploring the relationships between the photographer, the subject, and the third party who views the completed work. Interesting ideas that I intend to adopt if I can get our own independent group established. Because the photographs that comprise the fruits of the exercises are Polaroids, the results are immediate, and so is the ensuing evaluation and critiquing of the work while it is fresh in the participant's minds.

-- tony brent (ajbrent@mich.com), June 13, 1999.

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