No available screen shots on m35b13?!? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I don't know what the problem is, (if it's in fact me or not) but the "F-12" key for screen shots does not work on m35b13!! I played a dozen games to test it out, and it will not record a screen shot at all. I need some feedback on this and in the meantime, I'm sticking to a different beta or mame34 final.

Regards, Steve Krogman

PS Broke my own world record on the Atari's arcade ver. of Tetris Saturday night at Grand Prix. 1 coin NO CONTINUES and played for 52 minutes!. Reached level 93, 1,409 lines, and a score or 1,648,905!! I'm saving the 2M game for next years New Hampshire tournement.

-- stephen krogman (, June 08, 1999


The answer lies in the snap directory.

The latest Mame Beta now uses PNG instead of PCX format for its screen images and places them into the new \mame\snap directory.

If you haven't extracted a standard mame zipfile and retained the subdirectories then you will need to create a \mame\snap directory for yourself.

Cheers, BeeJay.

-- BeeJay (, June 08, 1999.

Ha - well in beta 13 the screen shots are saved to a different directory. I'm hundreds of miles from my PC, but I think I remember it was called 'shots'? They're saved in some whacky new format, too, but I forget what it was. All I know is that paintshop pro can read the format...

Maybe MAME's readme.txt would mention the change, but then again maybe it doesn't...

Was that helpful? I can't tell from here...

Chris (waiting for a reboot)...

-- Zwaxy (, June 08, 1999.


I win, I got my snap in before you.... ;-))


PS: Why are your posts ahead of others in the board ?!

-- BeeJay (, June 08, 1999.

Why are my shots ahead of others on the board? I can only guess it's because it's *my* board :o)


-- Zwaxy (, June 15, 1999.

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