Black & White flash tips : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I would like any tips on taking B/W pictures with a Olympus is-1 camera, and taking flash pictures (do's & don't). I have never used B/W film at all.

Thank You Paul A. Gonzales

-- Paul A. Gonzales (, June 11, 1999


The subject is almost as broad as black and white photography itself, so it is hard to come up with something that may be of help until you describe a specific circumstance and your results. It would help to, begin with, if you could describe whether your camera is an automatic, or if it is a manual exposure type. Also what type of flash equipment you intend to use, and whether it is automatic also. Many techniques require that the photographer take charge, rather than the equipment.

-- tony brent (, June 13, 1999.

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