A question about Pictures to be used in Websites not generally to be printed

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am looking to purchase a Digital Camera, for my company. I want to know what is the best type of camera to get considering that the purpose is taking pictures to put on our websites. We are not really looking for something to print, but rather to look really well on the Web. I would really appreciate any hints or suggestions you could give me. Price really is not to much of an issue. Thank you so much for your time.

Sincerely, Mark Woodland Gateway Learning Corp. "Hooked on Phonics"

-- Mark Woodland (markwoodland@hookedonphonics.com), June 16, 1999


The type of camera is not dependent only upon whether you want to print hardcopy or for the web only. For printing you need higher resolution is all. Other thing that are important are whether you need an optical zoom, macro close-up capability, optical and/or LCD viewfinder and flash capability. This information is all a part of the decision making process. Without it is hard to steer you in a particular direction. I currently have an Epson 750Z and am very happy with it, however there are many other good cameras out there depending upon your specific needs.

-- Bob G. (rgreg88721@hotmail.com), June 16, 1999.

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