Bill, great score on Galaxian! : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Just so you know, you got to Flag 33 instead of 32 which you put in your description. You should consider maybe going to the New Hampshire tournement next year and take a crack at putting a record score in the Twin Galaxies book. I had the opportunity to meet in person and hang out with current world Galaxian champ Perry Rodgers who has over 400,000 still till this day.

Regards, Steve Krogman

-- stephen krogman (, June 17, 1999


Thanks Steve, I've changed it to flag 33. Back in the early 80's there was a guy here in Halifax who I saw score over 600,000. I saw him score 200000 to 300000 on a regular basis! He was unreal at this game. My best was around 230000 in my hey day. New Hampshire would be fun, as its only a 12 hour drive for me. Don't know if I can come close to 400000 on Galaxian though :)

-- Bill Richards (BIL) (, June 17, 1999.

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