coolpix 950 and new IBM hard disc compatability : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Is the new minature hard disc announced by IBM compatible for use in the new coopix 950--that would be an incredible feature??

IF, not can the camera be modified to accept this storage device?

-- Mike Isenberg (, June 17, 1999


nope. You can use it in a canon pro 70 though.

-- benoit (, June 17, 1999.

Mike, the IBM MacroDrive is a CF type II storage device. At this time only and only Canon PowerShot Pro 70 has a type II CF slot on board. You can not modify the Digicam from CF type I to CF type II, since there is a problem associated with the physical size of the two types of CF slots. Canon Pro 70 has two CF slots on board, but only one is designed to accept type I or II, other slot accepts only type I.

-- Fred (, June 18, 1999.

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