Gustave Kaitz : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I have a painting done by Gustave Kaitz that I would like to sell. I have no knowledge of who might be interested in his work. The painting was commisioned by my aunt from the artist and is one of a kind. His widow still lives in Monticello at their art studio. If anyone knows where or whom I should contact it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Audrey

-- Audrey L. Storch (, June 17, 1999


I might be interested.Please send me a jpeg

-- Jane Perlow (, June 04, 2002.

I also have an original painting by Gustave Kaitz. Which one do you have? When was it done? I might be interested if you can forward me the info.


-- Lynn Robbins (, July 19, 2002.

I also have an original Kaitz and am interested in buying another at a reasonable price. Thanks! Dave

-- Dave Humple (, July 23, 2003.

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