stomatitis : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have four Maines and three out of four have stomatitis. Is it common for Maine coons to suffer from this chronic disease?

Also I don't know if you have any suggestions concerning our 14 year old tiger cat. She has stopped using the litter box and we don't know what to do. Our vet suggested antidepressants but we can not get a pill down her throat b/c she bites and scratches. Also the odds are against it working. I have recently put her in a room by herself to see if she will use the box when she's alone.

Thanks for your help. Robin Levine

-- Anonymous, June 24, 1999


Dear Robin,

First, check out the following site for info and links on stomatitis: (I don't know how to make it an actual link here, sorry about the typing needed).

Second, it is very important to see if your cat will use a box of her own - some cats get "fed up" with using a shared box. Try looking at the Cornell Veterinary School site under "behavior problems".

Never underestimate the power of a second opinion in these cases - an unusual or hard-to-diagnose digestive problem may be at the heart of the matter. If she shows signs of depression, these can easily stem from either a urinary tract infection or irritable bowel syndrome - either of which would require veterinary intervention and a change of diet.

Please let me know how your cats are doing and what happens.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 1999

Dear Robin,

I forgot one more link of possible importance:

It can be helpful in coping with a cat who wants to pee everywhere.


-- Anonymous, June 25, 1999

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