Ilex Paragon 375mm : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Dear Contributors, I just layed my hans on a very nice looking -ILEX PARAGON (No.122) 143/4" 375mm f6,3- completed by a Ilex Universal Synchro No.5 shutter with times between 1sec. to 1/50sec. + B and T. First of all the obvious questions about it, performance, coverage, color performance (sorry I haven't checked if the lens has been described elsewhere on the forum). I also apologize for asking again somethindg on the synchro contact which has been describet to me as "Browning?????" type it is a common feature on Graflex cameras. t obviously requires an adapter for use with modern strobes but I have only seen such adapter in a shop but the shopkeeper wouldn't separate another ILEX from the adapter to my deep disappointment! The shutter is a self-cocking one, but when using a cable shutter release, as opposed to operate the release-cocking lever, the operating of the shutter becomes somewhat strange because: without the cable it seems to operate just fine you can fire it at will and no problems occour, with the cable it "sticks" so to speak and has to be freed manually in order to be fired again. Different release cables have different effect on the shutter if the protrusion is limited the shutter won't operate. Other than that the shutters and the lens look very nice. Thanks for your help Andrea Milano w.f.p.a.

-- andrea milano (, June 25, 1999

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