Illustration of Oconee River Bridge : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I may be dreaming, but I believe I have seen an illustration (woodcut) of the Civil War era bridge over the Oconee River Bridge between Oconee, GA and Toomsboro, GA. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the book or magazine in which I believe it appeared. Although there was an article on the defense of the bridge in "Civil War Times Illustrated", the illustration was not there. Does anyone out know where it might be.

Thanks, Marty Dominy

-- Marty Dominy (, June 28, 1999


I am seeking the same picture. I have visited the site and based on the civil war era portions of the bridge that still stand. I built a model for a diorama of the defense of the bridge in November 1864 involving the GMI Cadets. I could only guess what it looked like based on other bridges of the day. Would anyone have plans or photos of thisnor other CRR bridges on this line? Thanks for any help.

-- Kenneth D. kirk (, October 17, 2004.

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