Life span of pro film at room temp : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I just picked up several hundred rolls of velvia and provia (400). Assuming it was fresh when I got it (I know that's a risky assumption), how long will it stay good at room temperature without being exposed to heat or cold?


-- Habib (, June 30, 1999


I try to stay out of discussions when I don't actually have the answer...

For the record, the box of Portra 400VC in front of me has 02/2001 as the expiration date. On the bottom it says "Storage: 550F (130C) recommended but not required." I would tend to think that it means that refrigeration is best, but not critical if you don't need near perfect batch to batch results.

-- Brad (, July 05, 1999.

Simple - look at the exp. date on the box.

-- Ivan Verschoote (, July 01, 1999.

I thought the date on the box was assuming it's refridgerated?

-- Habib (, July 01, 1999.

NO, exp. date is "room temperature without being exposed to heat or cold" like you mentioned before. Refridgerated films prolong the exp. date. However there are no exact figures how long a film can last. Don't think a exp. date is a specific deadline, even at room temperature. Professional films are more vulnerable, but still they can take a lot more than most people assume. I understand that your problem is stocking those quantities. I suggest that you try to put some rolls 1) in the freezer 2) in the fridge and 3) at room temperature, and try to shoot the least cool ones first. Those in the freezer can easily be used 1 year beyond exp. date. Greetings, Ivan.

-- Ivan Verschoote (, July 02, 1999.


-- Habib (, July 02, 1999.

I believe Ivan is mistaken. It is my understanding that the expiration date applies to the storage conditions listed on the box which in the case of Fuji "Pro" films is less than 100C/500F. An old chemistry rule of thumb is that reactions rates double for each 100C increase in temperature. So for storage at 200C I would guess shelf life would be about half.

-- Peter Foiles (, July 03, 1999.

Peter. Sorry, but the batch of Velvia's and Provia's I have at home don't mention a 100C on the inside of the box.

-- Ivan Verschoote (, July 05, 1999.

On problem is that Fuji sells Velvia as a pro film in the US, kept under refrigeration, while the rest of the world gets it without refrigeration.

I would look at the box and follow the directions for storage, and then you will make it to the expiration date.

For refrigerated pro films stored at room temperature, a Kodak engineer mentioned a week or two before you will start to see color shifts. Very minor at first, but it can get noticable.

-- Terry Carraway (, July 06, 1999.

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