ear polyps

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Our 18 month old Maine Coon has developed an ear polyp. The vet, a cat specialist, said the polyp should be removed but that the operation would have to be done at a vet school and would cost $600-$1,000. The polyp could return and the ear canal would have to be removed. The location of the polyp is the problem. Has anyone had this problem? Are there alternatives to surgery? Is this common to the breed?

-- Anonymous, July 04, 1999


Ear polyps happen in all breeds. Don't think that they are more common to MC than others. Surgery is the best solution. I have a male who had a polyp removed six years ago, hasn't returned. Some vets have been known to just pluck them, but I'm told by other breeders and my vet that they almost always reoccur when that is done. Check the Cornell book, they recomend surgical excision.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 1999

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