Question time: Name the hardest Arcade game ever : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Here is the question before the committee of the whole. What arcade game is the greatest of all time (Hardest to play is what is meant by greatest) Please explain your answers when posted. I'm still thinking of my answer.
-- Chris Parsley (, July 08, 1999
Hardest game all-time?Hmmm, I would say either Wizard of Wor or Turtles.
Honourable mention to Donkey Kong...
-- Mark Longridge (, July 08, 1999.
Mark, while you are here... Do you have more MAME records that can be put up on the ROM page that is listing current world records of the games in the tourney...
-- Chris Parsley (, July 09, 1999.
Asteroids Deluxe. That small saucer is just too accurate, and will kill you sooner or later, once your shield runs out.
-- Bill Richards (BIL) (, July 09, 1999.
no doubt about it...ASTEROIDS DELUXE!!!
-- david oliver (, July 21, 1999.