PDR-M3 vs PDR-M4

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

What are the differences between these two cameras. Was about to buy the M3 then I saw the M4 and put off buying until I could compare the two.

-- Scott Pernat (scott_pernat@watsonwyatt.com), July 12, 1999


We're about to review the PDR-M4. The M3 has a 3x optical zoom, and is a 1.5 megapixel CCD. The M4 is 2.11 MP, but no optical zoom. (The M5, due later this summer will be 2MP and optical zoom). The M4 is also supposedly VERY fast, if shot-to-shot cycle times are important to you. So, basically the tradeoff is no optical zoom, but higher resolution.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), July 23, 1999.

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