Photohighway : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Hi, is anybody having the same problem with 'photohighway' that I am? Originally I signed up as a member, but now I can't login since I do not get a login box when I go to the photohighway, nor does accepting the cookies get me in.

I have sent a constant stream of 'feedback' messages, but no response. I did query Mason Resnick & he responded, but nothing has been fixed - as far as I can tell.


-- Christian Harkness (, July 18, 1999


Chris (and anyone else who has or will visit,

First, as I said to you in your original email to me, I appreciate your letting me know about any problems you come across with Photohighway. This is a startup site, some of the features were not done properly, which is as frustrating for me as it is for you.

As I understand it, some new brains have been hired to fix the technical glitches so the site works smoothly, but getting them up to speed is taking longer than anyone would like. Since I'm not physically there and don't know the whole story, I must simply take their word that these problems will be ironed out. They are painfully aware that it's in their interest to do this quickly.

The only thing I can say at this point is to be patient, and to remember that for its first 6 months of existance, B&W World wasn't that great either (and Photohighway is being much more ambitious in the scope of content and the technical features they intend to provide).

As far as your specicfic problem of having trouble loggin in, I have been given assurances that it is on the list of things to be worked on once the new team is up to speed.

If anyone else has a problem with Photohighway, PLEASE email me at with as much detail as possible so I can forward them directly to the head of development at Photohighway.

Again, thanks for everyone's patience as the Photohighway staff works t

-- Mason Resnick (, July 19, 1999.

Hi Mason,

Again, thanks for your response. I did not mean to 'ping' on you. Unfortunately, you were the only responsive person. I do think it would help if photohighway would post a little acknowledgement of problems on their home page. As is, I think a lot of people will just be turned off by the problems they are encountering.

Again, many thanks.


-- Chris Harkness (, July 20, 1999.

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