Century Optics, .6x Wide Angle Lens for CANON XL1greenspun.com : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread |
Has anyone used this lens? What do you think? Thanks.ec@nwus.net
-- Eric Colley (ec@nwus.net), July 20, 1999
I have and use this lens (the non-zoom-through variety), and am quite enthusiastic about it.The adapter locks on securely and easily. The image is not noticeably degraded (although, even without the adaptor, the Canon 16X lens goes a bit soft when all the way wide). The unit is compact and (relatively) affordable.
To me, the adaptor makes much more economic sense than the Canon wide angle zoom.
Really, nothing bad to say about it.
I have and would recommend the collapsable rubber lens shade made by century, which helps control flaring.
-- Ben Wolf (bdw6@columbia.edu), July 31, 1999.
Eric, like Ben, I also have the Century w/lens shade and am very satisfied with. There are several advantages with this accessory:(1)compact size and good quality;(2)the Canon 3x does not have an image stabilizer, which is not absolutely necessary because of the short focal length involved, but I have found the image stabilization on the 3x to be useful using the Century while moving;(3)cost. The only drawback is that you are unable to zoom-through totally, and barrel distortion is more than the Canon 3x lens. Overall, you will most likely be very happy with it.
-- Roger Richards (rmrichards@pressroom.com), July 31, 1999.