Tire & Wheel Combinations?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Vintage Saab FAQ : One Thread

What are the best tire and wheel combos for vintage Saabs? I have a set of hand polished Sonett Soccerball wheels with Cooper 165x15 radials on my 61 stroker. I love the way they grab the ground. What do you think? --please contribute.

-- Dennis O'Connor (saabgarage@geocities.com), July 23, 1999


I, too, run a set of soccerball mags (on my 71 sonett III) BUT, i have found that a tire sized 185x65-15 work QUITE well, i noticed a dramatic difference. Alot more "bite" in corners. and on the straights too. check your local tire store (one that caters to imports of course. as this tire is a popular size with bugs and bmw and porsche..... oops said the bad "b" and "p" words. LOL, take care. Mike

-- Mike Szostkiewicz (saabfanatic@aol.com), October 31, 1999.

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