Are parts hard to come by? : LUSENET : Vintage Saab FAQ : One Thread

If I buy a vintage Saab are parts hard to come by. Where can I get parts for these things?

-- Dennis O'Connor (, July 23, 1999


Surprisingly parts for vintage Saabs are easier to get than you might think. Many auto parts stores will carry some of the basics. Saab dealers can get quite a large number of the parts you'll need. When I was getting up the nerve to buy my 71 (AKA Spudlite), I went to a local dealer in L.A. and asked just this question. The parts guy said that most of the mechanical parts were still available, but that you can't generally order body and interior bits and pieces. Fairly good general advice.

I've found the cost of Saab parts to be higher than I'd like, but not really outrageous. Try finding and paying for Volvo 122 parts and you'll see what I mean!

-- Dennis O'Connor (, July 23, 1999.

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