is it possible... : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread

Hi, I'm writing a story and need some elevator help. If you're riding in an elevator (high rise type) is it possible to damage the control buttons in a modern elevator in such a way that the elevator stops moving? But not in a way that cannot be fixed from inside the elevator? Like if 2 people were riding in the elevator, could one person damage it in a minor way that could be repaired by the other person, if the other knew something about engineering? I know this is a wierd question. Thanks! Mara

-- Mara Yollick (, July 25, 1999


Yes this is possible. Often a stop button.

-- DON (, July 26, 1999.

now why would you do that? blow a fuse or you can be seriously hurt

-- jag (, July 28, 1999.

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