Whats next after the Sony FD-91?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


As an up and coming buyer of digital cameras! I'm drawn between zoom power/features vs. megapixel image quality? I love all the features that the FD-91 offers, but know of the lacking resolution count...and I'm also weary of a replacement model for that camera! If I buy too soon, I may live to regret to find out that a replacement model is just around the corner that has everything that I'd wished the FD-91 offered!

SOoo... heres a question for the digicam buffs & Sony spys :)! Anyone know what the specs & when it will be released of the replacement for the FD-91????

I'd really like to know! If there isn't going to be one... I might just as well go ahead with the purchase!

Thanks Art

-- Arthur (artofwar@home.com), July 26, 1999


Go with the FD-88. Higher resolution but only 10x zoom. More than adequate and less money. Still have to live with the Sony washed out colors though.

-- Derek W. (wrestler@worldnet.att.net), July 26, 1999.

The FD-88 is not 10X, it has a 8X optical / 16X digital zoom lens. The FD-91 has a 14X optical lens. I do own a FD-91 and outdoor photos are not "washed-out". Indoor photos (using the flash) if you get too close to the subject, it will be "washed-out", just like my Nikon CoolPix 900 did.

If you have already decided on a Sony mavica line, I would recommend the FD-91, I love the 14X zoom and ease of file transfer to the PC.

-- Fred (tabarrok@frontiernet.net), July 26, 1999.

Well... my dilema is should I spend my money on the Nikon Coolpix 950/Olypums Z2000 or Sony MVC-FD91

I know with the nikon and Olympus, I'm getting the megapixels and compact size! BUT... the drawback is having to buy extra batteries, storage cards! However, in the case of the MVC-FD91... I'm getting the zoom, features, and the floppy disk (cheap cheap) storage! But drawback is lack of megapixel and abit bulkier too!

Both sides have their pros and cons! Which brings me to the same question! Should I wait for a FD-91 replacement, or should I just go ahead with the purchase! I'd hate to rush into something that I'll be sorry for! Are the picture quality in the FD-91 really all that bad?

-- Arthur (artofwar@home.com), July 26, 1999.

How about none of the above. I would suggest waiting for the Epson 850 digital camera.


I currently have the Epson 750Z. If the 850 is the next generation beyond the 750Z it will be a great camera!!

-- Bob G. (rgreg88721@hotmail.com), July 26, 1999.

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