Hiking Chatheral Peak

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I would like to climb chathedral peak but heard that part of it is a technical climb. Is this true? If so what rating and what equipment would I need? ( if even possible for a novice to do)


-- K.M.Manning (kmmanning@yahoo.com), July 28, 1999


K. you can scramble up the back side of Cathedral almost to thr very top, within about 20 feet or so. The last few feet are probably about 5.4 technical climbing. The best approach is to head up the John Muir trail to Cathedral Lakes, and then cut off to your left as soon as you can see the back side of the peak. Work your way up the slabs. Evev some of this area is rather exposed...

-- Jim Leininger (leininge@us.ibm.com), August 05, 1999.

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