lens filters: what are they and what do they do

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

i was wondering what lens filters are used for, i once read somewhere that they are used for IR photography.

-- andrew z. (good124@yahoo.com), July 29, 1999


In B&W, they are used to alter tonal relationships. For example, suppose you have a white or pink object (like a cloud) against a blue background (like the sky). If you look through a red filter, the blue light will be reduced more than other wavelengths, so the sky will look much darker.

-- Alan Gibson (Alan.Gibson@technologist.com), July 30, 1999.

If you have sent B&W film to a lab only to find that those beautiful, preconceived images come back with washed out highlights you will understand the importance of using a filter with B&W film..particularly for outdoor shots. I always use a medium yellow filter for outdoor photography...keeps those blue skies gray...

-- Tom Reitemeyer (udorn74@yahoo.com), August 31, 1999.

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