Relative lens quality of expensive P & S cameras (e.g., Leica & Contax) : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I'm considering getting a good quality point & shoot as a backup.

I'm curious about the relative lens quality of, for instance, a Contax T2 to a Contax G2 and a Leica Minilux to an M-6. The terms the manufacturers use to describe the P & S lenses lead one to assume they are the equivalent of the more expensive models, but how can this be?

I'd sure appreciate your insights.


-- Paul Arnold (, July 29, 1999


I use Contax T2 since it first came out. It has an superb Carl Zeiss T* 38mm/w.8 5 elemnt Sonnar lens. The sharpness and contrast of this lens is every bit as good as my Leica R lenses and Contax SLR lenses (Planar, distagon )

-- martin tai (, October 15, 2000.

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