Outside of the Litter Boxgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread |
My 11 year old Maine Coon can be quite difficult at times. If there is not the type of food in her dish that she prefers she will deficate in the bath tub. I've discontinued dry food all together. When this was first done she urinated and deficated in her feeding dish. I don't know how to deal with this behavior. I've only had her for 2 months, I inherited her from a friend that had developed serious allergies to her long hair. When she lived with the previous owner she was know to deficate in the tub if her litter hadn't been changed or sifted. That is not the case here we sift her litter regurlarly. I've even kept a little water in the tub to discourage this behavior, but when I don't this is the treat that she leaves me. Help.
-- Anonymous, July 31, 1999