New DC210plus--all pictures blurry : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I bought a Kodak DC210plus today, and all the pictures are blurry, as though the auto focus isn't working. I have tried it on a tripod, with and without flash, up close, at a distance, using batteries, using the ac adapter, I reset the preferences to high resolution and best picture quality--no luck. Has anyone heard of some of these cameras being defective out of the box? Thanks, Larry Maras

-- Larry Maras (, July 31, 1999



I'm new to cameras, so I might be wrong here. But the Imaging-Resource review of the DC210+ leads me to believe that the camera doesn't have auto-focus. In the optics section they say that "The DC210 sports a 2x fixed-focus zoom lens..."

Granted, this doesn't mean that all pictures should be blurry, but this info might be useful.

-- Wade Smith (, August 14, 1999.

dude....i'm sure some bad digicam's slip by kodak too...if the sample images from dc210 reviews are a lot better than you've got a bad 210..return/exchange it...

later :) good luck

-- Paul (, August 15, 1999.

You need to take it back. My 210plus takes very clear pictures Bill

-- Bill (, August 25, 1999.

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