
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Discuss Gere : One Thread

Hi! I was wondering if Richard had a daughter or if his g/f has a daughter? I saw pictures of him at Manns Chinese Theater when he put his footprints down and stuff and there was a woman with him (I'm guessing his g/f) and a young girl.

-- Kari (kls82@hotmail.com), August 02, 1999


The little girl is most likely Carie (Sp?) Lowell's daughter. Richard has no children that I've ever heard of (part of why his marriage to Cindy Crawford supposedly fell apart was because she was ready to have children and he wasn't). Anyway, he and Ms. Lowell are expecting a baby sometime in the next few months.

-- Julie (rjnaloew@win.bright.net), August 05, 1999.

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