how to clean a : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
hi. I've got a Schneider 135 4.7 which has some spots of dust which seem to be inside the first element from the back. Can anybody suggest what I can do to get rid of them.thanks
-- dileep prakash (, August 06, 1999
Remove the rear element from the shutter. If the dust is there clean if off. If it's between the elements:- if it's small amount - don't worry about it
- if it's a lot and you feel adventurous, see if you can disassemble the rear cells (I wouldn't recommend it though)
- if you're not feeling adventurous, and still worried about it, send it to a professional
-- sheldon hambrick (, August 06, 1999.
I asked the same question a while back. Go to the older threads under lenses and you will see the question and the associated answers I got.
-- Michael Kadillak (, August 06, 1999.