Autofire - final ruling? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Guys,I started on the MARP scene quite a while ago and I thought at the time we had a ruling of no autofire. I was out of the scene for a few months and from various postings it seems like autofire is being allowed now.
Can some please give me the definitive answer on autofire. If it is allowed then I can raise some huge score on games that I practice with autofire to get an idea of what lies ahead, before I then do the game using nothing but standard keboard.
I await the all answers, and then can we please have a ruling either way.
-- GOD Inc (, August 07, 1999
We're in the process of discussing the issue now (ie: it's being talked about mainly because of TT's concerns about T&F) Personally, I think it should be banned completely, and we now have the programs to check for it. It goes against the spirit of playing the actual arcade game as if you were actually by a machine--what MAME was intended to do in the first place.
-- Q.T.Quazar (, August 07, 1999.