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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

They say the only thing Aeon ever said in the liquid TV shorts is "plop" in Leisure. I believe that in the original short titled Aeon Flux she also says a word. Right after she drives the brass tack into her heel and falls off the ledge she gives off a short moan or scream of fear/suprise and says (slightly muffled) "help" as she's falling.


-- Damain K. (bdbfox@banet.net), August 07, 1999


That episode there are no words the only thing that is said is indeed plop! sucks but it's true.

-- (Aeonfluxfan1@Aol.com), February 14, 2000.

That episode there aren't any words the only thing that is said is indeed plop! sucks but it's true.

-- (Aeonfluxfan1@Aol.com), February 14, 2000.

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