C of G PS-1 40' Box Car Doorsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I have a HO 40' box car kit put out by Accurail in C of G. It came with two sets of doors. One is a Pullman Standard door while the other is a Youngstown door. The car is dated (built) 1952. What type of door would be correct for this date? (It'll be my luck that they used Superior doors!)I've seen 60's era photos of these cars with what appears to be Youngstown doors but I know several RR's bought their cars with the PS doors and later changed them because of a rust problem. Richard
-- Richard W. Cole Jr. (colejr1@juno.com), August 09, 1999
The car numbers are 7070 and 7325. Richard
-- Richard W. Cole Jr. (colejr1@juno.com), August 11, 1999.
The odds are in favor of Youngstown. But what number is the car? Reveal the car number and I'll bet Tom Alderman has a picture of it. Tom apparently has the world's largest photo collection of CofG equipment and it wouldn't surprise me if he has a photo of that specific car, answering your door question. I saw an A&WP boxcar one time that had a Youngstown door on one side and a PS on the other, so anything is possible in the south.
-- Rob Richardson (RichDent10@aol.com), August 10, 1999.