Microtek vs HP S20

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Which scanner has better quality when needing to scan both slides and photos?

-- Kostas Mallios (Kostasm@microsoft.com), August 16, 1999


Since the only decent quality scans of slides you can get from any of the Microtek scanners comes from their high end - I'll assume you are talking about them - (i.e. not the ones with the lame slide and negative "adapter.")
The answer will also depend on how big the photos you want to scan are.
So - if the photos are no bigger than 5 X 7, and you are talking about the Microtek high end - here's my opinion (nothing more than that).
Get the S20. It does a very good job with slides and negatives (35mm ONLY) and an excellent job with Photo's (up to 5 X 7) - and costs a whole lot less.
But - if you need to scan pictures larger than 5 X 7 you'll have to go for the Microtek.
If, you are talking about the flatbed with the slide adapter (that sits on top of the glass) then there is really no comparison - the S20 will run rings (newtons perhaps) around it.



-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), August 21, 1999.

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