Second mortgage-How do i get one? : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread |
I already own one house which is in joint names with my ex partner, and i have been trying to get the deeds signed into my sole name but the mortgage lender has been stalling me, i started the process in April this year and still am no closer to the deeds being signed over. I am finding it a struggle to pay the mortgage that i have at the moment and am thinking about buying a cheaper house and sending back the keys to the old property, is this possible and how do i go about getting this process started. Is it possible to apply for another mortgage, when i already have one? If so, will high street mortgage lenders do this for me?
-- A R Harris (, August 16, 1999
The web-site answers most of the questions yo have answered. The specialist lenders link on the front page will give you an opportunity to query for details of a second mortgage with minimum effort.Lee
-- Lee (, September 06, 1999.