Film to DV transfer for offline, EDL? : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread |
Has anyone tried this? Shooting on film (35, 16 or 8), then transfering to DV for an off-line edit on a G3 (using whatever software), then outputting an EDL with the intention of FINISHING ON FILM. That would be the crucial part.What would be the issues involving a frame-accurate transfer to DV? Is one software program better suited for this? I'm talking prosumer level; even if Avid or Media 100 were able to handle DV, it would be out of my price range.
-- Robert E. Dorn (, August 17, 1999
Check out there's an article in a place called "Adobe Premiere World" located at that site that discusses this exact process. The article mentions that most telecine transfer houses are used to dumping to Beta SP, but that you can run a feed to a DV deck if you want.Premiere is the software discussed, and FilmLogic is the tool for creating a negative cut
-- David Bigelow (, August 29, 1999.
-- llefsdfadsfads (, October 18, 2002.