Book editors--grammar geeks? : LUSENET : Freak Magnet : One Thread |
What do you think of when you hear the words "book editor"?
-- Mo (, August 18, 1999
Wonderful, hip, amazing...well, maybe that's cause I'm a book editor.Actually, whenever I tell people I'm an editor, they get all excited and act like it's the most glamorous job out there.
Then I tell them that I work for a vocational textbook publisher. Heh
-- Nanette (, August 18, 1999.
I don't know what I think..but I do know my physical reaction: sweating, shivering, fever, disorientation, inability to operate heavy machinery. Which is a bitch in my line of work.The geeky in a cool way web designer, J2
-- J2 (, August 19, 1999.