Welcom back!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

A hearty "welcome back" goes out to JSW. Beware you recent MARP arrivals as he is a top notch player that might be back to reclaim some territory. ;)After all, his standing in the top 10 for all this time (as well as Angry's) is remarkable considering he hasn't contributed in over a half year or so.


-- JoustGod (pinballwiz1@msn.com), August 20, 1999


Thanks JG!

I probably won't be submitting as prolifically as I used to, but its good to be back. Beware Beejay, I've been practising on Gyruss :P And BBH- wow! Mr Untouchable.. you're a points machine dude, congrats on all your amazing scores.

It's a shame I missed out on the current tourney but I'll definitely be in the next one.

Ciao for now

-- JSW (usagi@dingoblue.com.au), August 20, 1999.

Glad to have another high scorer at the site. I see you've already taken some territory back from me. :)

-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), August 20, 1999.

In case all of you from outside the USA were wondering...no, we don't normally spell the word "welcome" without the second "e". That usually happens as a result of some dumbass from Las Vegas not paying attention!

Hmmm...JSW back for the next tourney, huh? Let's see...I won't vote for Jack Rabbit or Kung Fu Master or Colony 7 or... :p


-- JoustGod (pinballwiz1@msn.com), August 20, 1999.

You haven't. All you missed was the voting on games, but you can send scores until September 30 (5-6 weeks from now). Just keep in mind the recordings can't be more than 3 days old when you upload them for the tournament - they all have to be made fresh.


-- Aquatarkus (aquatarkus@digicron.com), August 20, 1999.

Thanks JSW! Welcome back to the fray, good luck with regaining your lost scores... unless you're going after mine ;D

Now all we need is Angry UL'ing recordings again...


-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), August 20, 1999.

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