Slow Sync Flash vs. Slow Shutter in Night Shooting : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

hi guys...

Some digital cameras don't have a shutter priority option which allows the user to select a slow shutter speed for night scene shooting. However, some do have a slow sync mode in the flash option to force a longer shutter opening (in conjunction with the flash).

I would like to ask for help in clarifying these two.

I am planning on buying a camera that can effectively take night shots. However, the two cameras that have attracted my attention don't have a shutter priority option to allow for night shooting, but they do have a slow sync flash mode.

The question is: will the slow sync flash mode be as effective as merely selecting a slower shutter speed in shutter-priority-capable cameras?

I plan to take a lot of night scene shots with my digicam. Are the two options I mentioned basically the same, in practice? In theory, I know they are. But do they "actually" work the same way?

Thanks in advance for any help on this matter.


-- Al DImalanta (, August 20, 1999

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