Vivitar SB-6 a/c adapter -help me find one :-) : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

Other than eBay, does anyone have a source for this adapter to use with my Vivitar slide copier

-- J.K. Lawson (, August 21, 1999


Hello J.K.,

I own an Vivitar Slide-printer also and had not the a/c adapter either. but: it was just a job for about 15 minutes for a regional little electronic shop here in Salzburg/Austria. He manipulated the Original Vivitar, screw in a little 8 mm hole in the plastic back and fit in an adapter for an stabilized Powersupply where I can choose the 6 Volt. I bought an Power-supply and all together costs about 20 US $, so it was really cheap. I think every little electronic expert could do this for you for about 10 $ or so. I now can use the normal adapter which of course fits also other equipment also and the batteries....

I hope this can help you!

Feel free to ask more..


-- Christian Wasmeier (, September 11, 1999.

I have a Vivitar SB - 6 which I can sell to you if you are intending to buy one.

-- George Bartolome (, August 08, 2001.

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