To finish with T&F ? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

How did I manage to run so fast ? Yes i used autofire , but this not the problem ! The real problem for this game is your pc's speed : speed is not the same when you play with a pentium or a 486 ; speed is not the same when your play with mame or mame32. Do the experience : play a 100mdash with 2 pc of different speeds and I bet you that you will improve your times .

I don't agree with removing the scores because of that : it's impossible that everyone on marp plays with the same pc ; so whatever when can do the fight will be perverted at the beginning.

As somebody responding to Tomii said, mame is ANOTHER WORLd than arcade (and T&F is here another game) : the main thing we can do is to take the best of our own equipment and knowledge of the game

-- Phil (, August 22, 1999


I understand what you're getting at (sort of), however you admit to using autofire. This was discussed some time ago in MARP, and the general consensus was that it was a big no-no, however nothing was set in stone. So lets settle this drawn out T&F debate by the tried and trusted MARP community vote - Should Phil's T&F recordings be banned? My vote - yes (oui oui!)

-- JSW (, August 22, 1999.

It's your lucky day ... I'm in a bad mood, I have two different speed PCs, and - wait for it - I've already done the experiment.

With a Cyrix 166 (Pentium equivalent), sound on, frameskip adjusted so it runs at a solid (15/60 100%) (couple of times through with the framerate displayed (F11) to test first), and using the brilliant technique of hitting the right run button once then pounding spacebar exclusively - I set spacebar as the left run button - I hover within 5cm/s of 900cm/s on the 100m dash.

With my Cyrix MII 333 (Pentium II equivalent, and a MUCH FASTER MACHINE), sound on, frameskip 0 because it runs at a solid (60/60 100%), and using the exact same brilliant technique I hover within - guess what Phil - 5cm/s of 900cm/s on the 100m dash.

Do you really, really, want me to spell out what I think that means or would you rather pretend you never said the speeds would be different?


-- Aquatarkus (, August 22, 1999.

Hold it aqua... I have something to say on that...

Way back when I started having an interest in Arcade emulation... well before I was aware of game recordings... I played this game... on a PENTIUM 100... plays 67 % - and you could easily get the pole vault to 3 meters... easily get an 8 second 100 meter or something with the run like hell cheat... and... I can't remember anything else - but the point is - the slower your computer, the faster the time.

-- Gameboy9 (, August 22, 1999.

This is all really irrelevant. The consensus was that autofire was soon to become a banned technique (remember the discussion to build an autofire-checking program?)

My vote is to wipe the recording.

-- Q.T.Quazar (, August 22, 1999.

I wish there was a place where autofire and other less reputable but still cool looking scores could be uploaded and saved. But there are many other recordings that do use autofire as well, are we just going to remove the T&F scores or remove all games that use autofire?

I have to vote to remove the T&F scores, but i sympathize with the autofire community having arm/wrist problems in my own old age.

-- Chad (, August 22, 1999.

Alright already. I propose a compromise for people who can't pound on their keyboards... We remove autofire recordings, but leave the RLH recordings on. Here's the reason. With the RLH recordings, everyone is on an equal footing, where it involves more skill than just autofiring your way to first. It is rather (next to) impossible to push anywhere near a 1200cm on a keyboard, due to keyboard refresh rates... Autofire to be banned, in the words of one of Summerslam's competitors last night, HELL YA! (Note: Summerslam is a WWF pay-per- view where Ventura ref'ed last night)

-- Chris Parsley (, August 23, 1999.

Chris` suggestion sounds fair enough. A different section for RLH + " normal " play. Then there`s the situation regarding HyperSports...........

p.s Mankind ???? What a gilly. ALEX

-- Alex Weir (, August 23, 1999.

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