Shift control on Arca-Swiss Metric : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I'm looking for information on how the shift mechanism works on the Arca-Swiss F-line Metric 4x5. The shift gearing doesn't have a lock or friction control. I am finding that (unlike the rise) the shift doesn't firmly stay in place after you've shifted. Placing Grafmatics in the back and checking for proper seating will sometimes move the shift setting. Are other people finding their metric's have the same behavior?

-- Larry Huppert (, August 23, 1999


Dear Larry

You can adjust the friction for the lateral shift with the small "hex" screw on the opposite side of the scale. (slowly and carefully ! step by step)

Best regards

ARCA-SWISS International Customer Service

-- Customer Service (, August 24, 1999.

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