Instruction Manual for Minolta II Flash Meter : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I just bought a used Minolta Flash Meter II but without a manual. Can anyone help me? The basic functions of the meter are easy to figure out and I can use it without the manual. However, there is what looks to be a female miniphone plug on the back as well as a potentiometer. I assume the potent. is for calibration. Also, there is a reference chart on the back that has a heading "DISPLAY" and then list of f/stops, and then below it "REF." and a list of f/stops. Does anyone have a Minolta Flash Meter II that could scan the manual and e-mail it to me (assuming that isn't a copyright violation)? Or perhaps could help me out with some info about the features.

Would appreciate any help. Thanks --

-- Brian Parsley (, August 23, 1999


I don't have the manual but I do have the meter. The socket is for a remote measuring attachment I think. The red button lower left on back is a battery check. When you push this button and the "meter" button at the same time the green light on the lower right front of the meter lights if the battery is OK. There's not much else to this meter. Just use it.

-- Henry Ambrose (, September 15, 1999.

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