Availability of Nikon DL-1

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Does anyone know when the Nikon DL-1 will be available and any stores that are taking advanced orders?


-- Karl Salnoske (pp001368@mindspring.com), August 23, 1999



Goood luck! - From all the comments I've heard from Sony, I'd gather that unless you're *very* well connected, you'd have to be extremely lucky to get one before late winter! They say they're anticipating "extreme" backlogs on it when it does begin shipping,which should be by early next month. The division VP told me that he really didn't expect "ordinary" people (my term) to be able to buy them until after the first of the year.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), September 12, 1999.

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