Which Printer?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi, I have tried many printers at computer stores and have bought the HP photosmart, heard it can produce photgraphic pictures. With ink base printers the photos print nice,colors are vibrant, but when I look at the photos close I always see or could tell that small droplets made up the pictures. I'm not too familar with new technology on printers, so would like advise from advance people. Although these printers print nice I was wondering what type of technology if any exist yet where I can actual print a photo from a scanned image or digital camera and get true photographic image, I mean true photographic, were I won't see droplet formation at close range , I guess exactly like a photograph.I really don't like ink printer due to the fact that droplet formation can be observed at close range, is there any printers out there for a decent price that can produce real photographic picture. Any advance experts out there with the knowledge of printers, I really need your help. Thanks.

-- Jon Bond (app00@aol.com), August 25, 1999


It sounds like you just described the photosmart printer you just bought! People love this thing for the purpose you described. You might also look at the Oly 330 printer.

-- benoit (foo@bar.com), August 27, 1999.

If you're looking for Cibachrome quality in a digital medium - don't waste your time. It doesn't exist. Digital photography is a compromise at this point in history. There are clear advantages to digital, but quality is clearly not one of them. But, indeed, quality is not always the most important. Early adoption of any new technology involves compromises in many areas. The quickness, convenience, portability (of the image) and the ability to easily manipulate the image(s) has put digital on the fast track - and relagated silver to a higher-level professional domain. It scared the bejeebers out of Kodak, Nikon, Canon, Olympus - etc. as they have all produced digital units to keep their market shares from sliding away because of the obvious attractiveness.
For the absolute best quality you can get from digital on a printer you will want to look at a Dye-Sublimation printer. Kodak makes several models, as does Fargo and some other high-end manufacturers - but if you don't feel like parting with all of your dead presidents then you should either accept the current compromise or wait a couple more years.
For the quality-minded this is certainly not an encouraging note - however the future is visible enough to cause your local camera store to severely reduce their stock in traditional darkroom supplies. Dektol and Stop-bath will be special order in most cities within the next 5 years - enlargers and easels will only be sold as used gear to old men.

-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), August 27, 1999.

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