I'm going back to the Nibbler conversation...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I went looking through all of the nibbler recordings today - and lo and behold, it's not the hardware that's causing all of the trouble, it's MAME! that's causing all of the trouble, although they wouldn't admit it :)

How do I know this? When I saw Phil play his excellent 9M game, on MAME 34 FINAL, you will recall that he had levels expiring before he was supposed to finish the level.

When I saw another recording, this time on MAME (35) FINAL, I never saw this error. Perhaps this is why Phil's game expired at Level 92(or around there) instead of continued.

-- Gameboy9 (goldengameboy@yahoo.com), August 27, 1999

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