14" Gold Dot Dagor

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I'm considering to buy Sch. 14" Gold Dot Dagor f/8. Does it cover 11x14 ? What's the image circle ? My 14" Commercial Ektar doesn't have sufficent coverage for my 11x14. Thanks for your help.

-- Shigehiro Ishii (zone9pmk@fd.catv.ne.jp), August 28, 1999


I can't help you very much but this static link might help you. The 2nd and 3rd comments are the ones you are looking for. The lens you are talking about was also produced under Schneider later on, I believe. So you might want to contact to schneider optics too. There was also a catalog for Gold Dot dagor (Golden dagor?). Glennview is selling the catalog. And the comment by Michael Buchmeier might also help.

-- Masayoshi Hayashi (mhayashi@phys.ufl.edu), August 28, 1999.

Ishii-san ; this is not an answer to your question, I just wanted to know what sources you used in Japan for large format photography. I live in Tokyo, and use a 4x5 camera, but would like to move to 8x10, or larger. Thanks in advance.

-- fw (finneganswake@altavista.net), August 31, 1999.

I have the lens in question. At least I have the Swiss made version of it. It covers 11x14 with some movement but I don't know the circle size, and barely 7x17 with no movements. Tack sharp. All in all I love it.

-- Rob Tucher (rtphotodoc@juno.com), August 31, 1999.

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