Montgomery Reply : LUSENET : M.Ed./Extension Forums at UMD : One Thread


I appreciated your response. You're probably more perceptive than I and have thought out your response better than I thought out my article. But, yes, that's pretty much what I was hitting on with the paper and I couldn't agree more with your comments. However, wouldn't you agree that there's an ironly in that our mutual perspectives are based on mutual assumptions? Of course that doesn't mean that I think we're wrong - in spite of these anti-TL assumptions. Also, the thought did occur that just maybe these other folks are seeing something I'm missing -- because I can't seem to move beyond my assumptions. I dismissed that notion about as quickly as it was formulated. You would have had to have been in San Francisco to appreciate that comment.


-- Anonymous, August 31, 1999



I am getting even more and more intrigued to hear about the TL conference!

I believe that we humans are created with a natural need to "believe in" something larger than ourselves. I also believe we are free to choose what that will be and that some choices are better than others.

I fear this discussion may be getting a bit off track, but then again, when you bring up the question about what are our assumptions, what is their role and how do they affect our teaching, it seems to have some relevance.

Were there any "tools" (activities, exercises, questionaires, etc.) offered at the conference that helped uncover or reveal the assumptions that we hold? Although I may not willing to change some of my assumptions (beliefs?), it seems that it can only be healthy to identify and look more closely at them.


-- Anonymous, September 01, 1999

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