
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet : One Thread

Is there or are there any plans for, a widescreen version of KB's Hamlet?

-- Cheryl Fischer (jester4@sprynet.com), September 05, 1999


I haven't heard anything about a widescreen video version of the movie yet. However, the laserdisc *is* presented in widescreen so if you're lucky enough to get your hands on that, that is the only way to see it in widescreen. Since the video has been out for some time now, I wouldn't hold my breath on a widescreen version anytime soon. You never know though.

-- Virginia (vleong@ibm.net), September 07, 1999.

YES!!! I just saw it now at Amazon.com. They are taking preorders for April 18, 2000 for Hamlet in widescreen VHS! Hooray!

-- mikken (mikken@neo.rr.com), January 04, 2000.

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