smurf? : LUSENET : Cacophony : One Thread

Why does no-one post here? Who shot J.R? Does the society welcome members who are too young to buy liquor? Where is Karl Marx? Why does my nose itch, and would it help if I swallowed it? Whatever happened to saturday night? Does the society welcome members who are too young to buy cigarettes? Whatnever happened to joan of arc? Whatever happened to Fay Wray? Does the society welcome members under the age of consent? Whatever happened to Ambrose Bierce?

-- evil poptart (, September 06, 1999


wanna know why those little smurfs are so blue? that's because there are a thousand of them all living amongstthose big ol' mushrooms and there is only one smurfette. she don't give a damn about any of them, she just hangs with papa smurf because he's too old to get it up and he's got a big mushroom mansion and lots of those smurf berries that she can go crazy on. life to her is just smurfy! lala la la la la lalala la laaaaaaaaa.............!

-- dogboy (, August 08, 2000.

la la lalalala la lala la laaaaaaaa....

-- dogboy (, August 08, 2000.

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