What do i need to start hand painting black and white prints?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I am interested in learning how to hand tint my black and white prints but i am a little bit confused on what is the media ect... to use to do so.

-- Chris (C_j_c_104@yahoo.ca), September 06, 1999


There are a lot of materials out there for this use. I'd suggest getting the begining set of "Marshal Photo Oils" and go from there. Check your library for books on this subject. good luck

-- chuck k (kleesattel@webtv.com), September 06, 1999.

i tried the marshall oil in the tube and found it too unweildy and difficult to work with. maybe the spotpens or the marshall oil pens offer more control and ability to work in detail without smearing?

-- rae (musty66@hotmail.co), November 11, 1999.

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